Thursday, October 29, 2020

Trivial "tea timer" :-)


I've gotten fond of tea these days .. especially  "Twinnigs earl grey" .. I prefer it seeped for 2.5 minutes .. so I wrote a trivial tea timer to time my teas . The default is 3 minutes . It's convenient as the image chosen gets displayed over screen even if mplayer is playing a movie in full screen. 

                                            I'm using Feh which is a fine image viewer. .. cheers.


if [ $1 ] ; then  t=$(echo "$1*60" | bc ) ; fi
t=$(echo $t | awk -F "." '{print $1}')
echo "$i"
while [ $i -lt $t  ] ; do let  i=$i+1 ; echo $i ; sleep 1; clear;   done
echo " $i seconds"  
feh -F ~/tea.jpg